Sunday, June 15, 2008

Silent Cry

They come to this world
To start a new
To find their love
To fill some hearts
To reproduce
And bring some more
But for some the journey ends right at birth
So innocent so small
They're ripped apart
During the process
There is a silent cry

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Club Dead

The Pentagon
Arlington, Virginia
2:39 AM
I am Sgt. Fleming handcuffed and being taken to the Pentagon to discuss what has happened and wheter or not I was part of a terrorist attack in an FBI vehicle. When I arrive government officials ask me what I know about what has happened and I tell them what happened….
“The last thing I could remember was being in my apartment and a man had rung the doorbell. So I went to go answer the door and the next thing I know I’m stabbed in the neck with a needle by an obsessed, middle aged man that had a ski mask, light skin, double chin, and light blue eyes. Than I wake up in a garage in an abandoned country club called La Vista in Puebla, Mexico.”
So than I opened the garage door and find my self in a warehouse with five other people. Named Marvin, Joel, Tony, Bob, and Samuel. They told me they had all worked either with the Air Force, U.S. Army, or NASA. I look around and find a golf cart and tell the people to hop in. Than, I went out the warehouse EXIT. We had been driving around the club until we saw movements coming from the golf course. I drove into it and hit the gas and was going around 35MPH over the dead dry thirsty grass. I had run into a metal like creature. Than, I quickly jumped out of the cart and headed towards behind the cart of it and grabbed a club. Than about three of the creatures ran up behind me and tried to take me down but than one of Joel hit one of the creatures in the temple with is heel. This gave me the ability to stand up because the creatures were now trying to hurt him. So than I swing the club and hit another in the back of the head and the club is broken from the impact on the metal body. It is than knocked out and dead. I catch up to another one and stab it in the stomach with the remainder of the club. Than I look back and see another twenty or so about 110 yards away. I run into the cart and take off with everybody in it. Than we find a shooting range with a large amount of guns in crates.
In pull up and run inside with everybody trailing behind me. I throw a small rock at a window and open the door and walk inside with a Swiss army knife in my hand and a out of nowhere a creature scratches me behind my ear and I turn around and stab it in the throat with purple red blood squirting onto my face. Than I find a huge glass cabinet with a large amount a large variety of guns. I than kick it open and rifle in a silicone rifle sleeve with a strap and strapped it onto my back. I also had grabbed a couple of flash bang and smoke screen grenades I than grab everything else left and hand it to everybody. I than grab a crate of ammo and told everybody else to take on and place it in the cart.

After we placed all the crates into the cart I took off and had seen a weird looking smoke color coming from the kitchen. So I hit the gas and hit top speed and see 5 of the metal like creatures coming out of the kitchen and into the grass. I made a sharp turn and flipped the cart over the creatures which were than stuck under so I just stomped on all of their heads with all of their blood squirting onto the dry grass. I than ran to the kitchen and walked inside very carefully not wanting to get hurt. Than I broke down and went on my knees. The scratch I had gotten earlier was hardening into metal and rapidly growing all over my body. I than lifted one knee up and saw a creature coming towards me so I blew off his shins and than got up run to it and jumped and hit the creature with the end of the gun. I than smelled an unbearable smell and saw all the others run into the dining room with their guns ready to fire. Than there was movement that came from under one of the tables that had a long red table cloth. Since Joel couldn’t see a creature he decided to move toward the table than a creature forcefully attacked him and wrestled him to the ground and Joel repeatedly took rights and lefts from the creature. Joel powerfully kicked the creature in the face and the creature went flying halfway across the room Joel than ran up to it and shot it in the chest with the 9mm.
I went outside and saw a huge complex right behind the kitchen and I rushed to it while taking deep rapid breaths and everyone and Tony and Joel were trailing behind me while Marvin and Samuel were still in the dining room. I Stopped and realized there was a ladder leading into a window. I climbed it and went inside the complex. I than turned around and yelled out the window “Go through the door and shoot at any unusual movement”. I turned around and got tackled by one of the creatures and my lower back hit the window. I kneed the creature in the gut and dropped my gun and got the 9mm’s out of the gun belt and repeatedly shot it in the chest until it fell on its face but it was still breathing so I walked up to it and stomped on the back of its head. I than saw Tony and Joel with an old light saggy skinned man. I asked who it was. He said his name was William Gibson he told me he can help us. He said that the man behind this was Brian O’ Right the man who has been selling nuclear weapons and pentagon secrets to Iran. He said that he had been working on antidote with him on making any human faster and stronger. He wanted to give it to every soldier in the U.S. Army but the Antidote was a failure. The antidote would turn the humans into metal and after only a week they would start developing rare diseases. But I had never told him and he stole the information. He said he had a thousand Five foot tall missiles to be thrown into the air and deliver large amounts of antidote into the air over every U.S. Military Base around the world. He said that we must stop him.
Than I fell to the ground starting to feel incredible headaches blisters were all over my body and all my body was turning into metal. Still hurting I got back up and asked the old man if he knew where Brian O’ Right was. He told me he was in the parking lot and that the missiles were going to launch in five minutes or so. I went outside the complex and took the old man with me. Than I saw the parking lots a couple of hundred feet away. As, I took another step I got shot in the shoulder with a dart than the metal grew faster around my body and everybody else had gotten shot to.
I picked up the old man and ran to the parking lot. I saw Brian O’ Right waiting for me with a small army of the creatures than dropped the old man and told everybody to fire at the creatures. Than we all ran and took cover and eliminated the creatures. Than I ran to one of them and stabbed it in the ribcage with a kitchen knife I took from the kitchen. I than turned around and shot every creature in sight with the M16. Than I ran out of ammo and dropped the gun and grabbed the 9mm’s out of the gun belt. I ran and jumped of a wall and shot a creature while in the air. I turned around and saw another coming toward me so I ran and tackled it, punched it in the face, and shot it with the 9mm’s. Marvin ran up to a creature and kneed it in the stomach and shot the creature in the back of the head. Joel saw Brian O’ Right move into a small building and went after him. I walked up to another creature and kicked it in the nose and cut off its head with a small axe on the ground.
I walked into the building where Brian O’ Right ran into and got head butted by a creature. I wrestled it to the ground and I got over him and inserted a flash bang grenade in its mouth. I than saw a stairway and threw a smoke grenade into it and I saw Joel and Brian O’ Right fighting. I ran in and tackled Brian to the ground and took out the rifle and placed it over his throat threatening to shoot him if he didn’t stop the missiles from launching. He punched me in the gut and he took me off of him. He grabbed the rifle and pointed it at me. Than Joel went up behind him and slaughtered his arm off with a butcher axe. Than I ran to him and choked him until he agreed to stop the missiles. He stopped the missiles and committed suicide. Joel and I went outside to find Tony and Marvin dead.

The Pentagon
Arlington, Virginia

The FBI officials did a test on me and told me that I am immune to any of the diseases in the antidote.

Friday, May 2, 2008

Seinfeld Wars

This is the coolest picture ever. I was looking up pictures of Star Wars and the weirdest picture appeared. I couldn't stop laughing from how hilarious it looks. I mean just look at the definition in Newman's double chin.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Jay Leno or Larry King

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Kill Bill Wheels

Today, I gort some Hook-Ups Kill Bill wheels. They are so awesome and ride smooth.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Rated R

This Friday when us bloggers went to see forbidden kingdom and superhero movie, we actually intended to see Street kings in place of superhero movie. since street kings was rated R we bought tickets to superhero movie and snuck into street kings,but one of us [Ulisis] was too much of wussy and just went to superhero movie. finally the previews were over and street kings started. i looked behind me and i see the usher walking towards us .so he tells us if were with an adult and none of us say anything . So we get kicked out of the movies and need to go watch Superhero Movie.

Superhero Movie

superhero movie

This movie was basically another Epic movie
or meet the freakin spartans. I dont think this movie is for adults .. or kids maybe for old people.
this movie is one that will piss you off from the inside. there is about three small action scenes in the whole also seems so damn short.please save yourself 10 $ dont watch this piece of crap

Saturday, April 19, 2008

The Call

here is the prank fernie was talking about

Friday, April 18, 2008

The Forbidden Kingdom

This movie was awesome. Jackie Chan still did his comedy in this action film. Jet Li had some humor up his sleeve also. I would've never expected that from him. I want to go see this movie again. This movie is better than churros dipped in gravy and a side of fries with choclate syrup.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Our Weekly Prank

While filming these segments of us [callers] wet our pants cause we were laughing so hard. we had a short script but couldnt speak because it was so damn hilarious.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

The most random video on Youtube EVER!!! part 3

This video is so hilarious. You must watch it.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Reason not to watch Drillbit Taylor.

First of all this movie really sucks. It's not as funny as i thought it would have been. The jokes weren't delivered as efficiently as they could be. The script seems like a a blind eighty year old that lives in an abandoned retirement home wrote it. The actors really sucked like Josh Peck from the hit Nickelodeon TV show Drake and Josh. He was acting like the way that he acts in his show and he could of done a better job as a bully. This movie sucked so much i would've rather blow it all on the claw machine that gives you the cute stuffed animals.